The One Apart
Title: The One Apart Author: Justine Avery Genre: Adult Existential Fantasy Rating: Five Stars! This powerful and riveting story introduces us to Tres, who is about to be born with the biggest burden any has ever had to bear. He is beginning again — as an ageless adult trapped in an infant body. As Tres learns to navigate through this newest life with a teenage mother and adoring grandmother, he struggles with coming to terms with his past lives while seeking his true purpose — not only in this life, but in all. In his quest, Tres discovers that all is considerably more interconnected and dynamic than he could ever imagine — and fraught with far more danger. He cannot hide from the unseen threat that has been stalking him since his birth, and that ultimately forces him to understand how important he is in the grand scheme of life as we know it. The One Apart offers a compelling and unique view of reality and of how everyone — and everything — fits together in a b...