The Afterlife of Holly Chase
Title: The Afterlife of Holly Chase Author: Cynthia Hand Genre: YA Supernatural Fantasy Rating: Five Stars! Seventeen-year-old Holly Chase has it all — a famous father, a million followers, and every luxurious thing her spoiled-rotten heart desires. Life in her Malibu mansion couldn’t be better. Sure her mother died when she was younger, and sadly, her stepmother, who Holly had grown to revere, hadn’t lasted long either, but Holly doesn’t feel alone, or isolated, or even cares, because she has it all — or so she tells herself . Then one night, on Christmas Eve to be precise, three ghosts arrive to show her how selfish and spoiled she’s become. They assure her that it isn’t a dream; that it’s really a premonition that will come true if she doesn’t mend her ways before it’s too late. Naturally, Holly doesn’t believe them and she’s unimpressed with their spooky, Scrooge-esque themed nightmare. Her life is picture perfect and she doesn’t ...