What The Cat Dragged In
Title: What The Cat Dragged In (The Celtic Witch Mysteries – Book 1) Author: Molly Milligan Genre: Adult Supernatural Cozy Rating: Five Stars! The body that turns up in Bron's garden has been there for decades, and he died of natural causes, so she should just rebury him and carry on as normal, right? But resuming the status quo isn’t easy when the ghost of the dead man wants attention — and he’s going about it in the most comical of ways! It's down to Bron, a traditional hedge witch, to find out what the ghosts wants, which is all well and good since she’s currently teaching Maddie, her cousin from America, the ropes about their family history and all of the magical fun that it entails. Soon, the girls are up to their knees in faery folk (don't trust 'em), druids (keen on trees), wild animals (Bron's a healer), the obligatory smoldering blacksmith (sorry, he prefers men), and the maddest Mad Great Aunt of all. Trust me; it’s well worth the...