God's Forsaken
Title: God's Forsaken (The Guilty Ones – Book 1) Author: David Brevik Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Paranormal Fiction Rating: Four Stars! Michel is the Angel of Death, but he’s no match for Vipa, a huntress on a mission to destroy the forsaken god, Tragun. From the moment their paths cross, Vipa is a major thorn in his side — and her reckless approach to fighting manages to land him in jail! Just when he thinks his day can’t get any worse, Vipa shows up again, this time to break him out of prison. Naturally, there’s a price to pay for her efforts: he must help her find Tragun. Reluctant, Michel agrees, but he instantly regrets his decision when Vipa seals the deal with a bonding curse! Now forced to comply, Michel must learn to get along with Vipa and her team: a vampire and a humanoid lizard, so that they can attempt to accomplish the impossible. God's Forsaken is a fun read. There’s lots of action and some amazing world building, and I really en...