The Keeper of Lost Things
Title: The Keeper of Lost Things Author: Ruth Hogan Genre: Contemporary Adult Romance Rating: Five Stars! Okay, so normally I write a pretty involved synopsis for every book I review, but the description on the book jacket for this particular book was so well done that I didn’t think there was much to add — there are a few word and phrase changes sprinkled throughout though, and my opinion is featured in the last paragraph, which I hope you enjoy! So without farther ado, here’s the slightly tweaked synopsis . . . Anthony Peardew is the keeper of lost things. It isn’t a title he had intentionally picked, but forty years ago, he had carelessly lost a keepsake from his beloved fiancĂ©e, Therese. Sadly, on the very same day, she died unexpectedly. Brokenhearted, Anthony sought consolation in rescuing lost objects — the things others had dropped, misplaced, or accidently left behind — and then he wrote stories about them. Now, in the twilight o...