Title: The Last Girl on Earth Author: Alexandra Blogier Genre: YA Science Fiction & Fantasy Rating: Five Stars! Life has a funny way of getting busy when you least expect it—hence the delay with posting reviews the last few weeks. So while I've always intended to stick with one or two reviews a month, because I feel as though I can really give a book my full attention then, I’ve also come to realize that it may be easier to reach that goal if I let the author do some of the legwork, or in this case, I simply share the author’s synopsis and then offer my opinion (because who needs to reinvent the wheel, right ! ). So without further ado, here’s the new and improved book-review format… “The Last Girl on Earth” Book Synopsis RAISED AMONG THEM. Li has a father and a sister who love her. A best friend, Mirabae, to share things with. She goes to school and hangs out at the beach and carefully follows the rules. She has to. Everyone she knows—her family, her t...
Showing posts from October, 2018