Dawn of the Reaper
Title: Dawn of the Reaper Author: Paul F. McGowan Genre: Young Adult Fantasy Rating: Four Stars! Following centuries of exile, a dragon named Firestorm has set the final wheels in motion to exact his revenge against the kingdom that vanquished his kind. The only problem he faces is one meddling human, who’s discovered his secret plot and plans to expose the dragon to the king. Naturally, Firestorm will not allow that to happen, so he murders the man and incorrectly assumes that he also rids himself of the meddling man’s wife and son. Unbeknownst to the dragon, of course, Rowan survives the attack and before she passes away, his mother begs an accidental passerby to protect her son and his secrets. Archibald Scott, a local shopkeeper and notorious sorcerer, vows to safeguard Rowan’s identity and then raises him as a sorcerer’s apprentice. As Rowan enters adolescence, he excels at wizardry and can often be found causing mischief around town with his friend Sydne...