The Cat Who Ate Christmas


Title: The Cat Who Ate Christmas
Author: Lil Chase and Thomas Docherty
Genre: Illustrated Children’s Illustrated
Rating: Five Stars!

Jingles is a feisty kitten! Some of his favorite pastimes include climbing the Christmas tree and unwrapping his families’ Christmas gifts. Luckily for him, Jingles has a very loving and understanding family. Mom, Dad, Alex, Lily, and Rose all love him and are always quick to forgive his transgressions; that is until the day of Christmas dinner, when the family leaves the turkey to cool on the counter while they go to pick up grandma. Jingles cannot resist the delicious smell so he sniffs, leaps, and pounces onto the counter and eats, and eats, and eats some more — until the turkey is completely gone!

When the family returns and discovers that Jingles ate Christmas, the kitten quickly finds a hiding spot, fearing the worst — but his family doesn’t get mad, not really — and when they can’t find him, they realize just how much they miss him even though, sometimes, he can be naughty. 

The Cat Who Ate Christmas is an adorable children’s classic that not only embodies the Christmas spirit, but also conveys the essence of teamwork, forgiveness, tolerance, and understanding. Moreover, the stunning illustrations paint a picture of a devoted interracial family who embraces their furry companion with lots of compassion, kindness, and love.

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