Title: Flip Author: Martyn Bedford Genre: YA Existential Fantasy Rating: Five Stars! I’m a sucker for book covers, so when I stumble upon a good one, I immediately have to investigate. Who wrote it? What can those images possibly mean? I’m a fan of bright and flashy things, but what I really love is subtle mystery—you know, those book covers that catch your eye because they seem dark and intriguing. Those always make me wonder, “Now what’s this all about?” So I’ll pick it up off the shelf, or here lately, I’ll click on the link, and I’ll read the synopsis. Almost always, when the book cover is that good, I instantly fall in love, and that’s exactly how it worked out with “Flip” by Martyn Bedford. The cover is definitely eye catching, and the synopsis hooked me from the start, but, before I dive into my take on it, here’s the publisher’s note… “Flip” Book Synopsis What does it mean to have a soul whose will to live knows no limits? One morning fourteen-year-...