Curse the Day
Title: Curse the Day Author: Annabel Chase Genre: Paranormal Cozy Mystery Rating: Five Stars! Paranormal cozies are my go-to books. I make sure that I read outside of my favorite genre often, and while I really love my science fiction and fantasy novels, paranormal cozies are like my favorite pair of jeans—the ones you wear at least once a week even though they’re fraying at the edges. So for this month’s book review, I couldn’t resist the temptation to return to my true love, which is always easy to do because there are so many books to choose from. Often, the wide selection can make it difficult to pick, but I got a recommendation this month, and I was not disappointed! Before I dive into my review though, here’s what the publisher had to say… “ Curse the Day” Book Synopsis The only magic Emma Hart believes in is caffeine and the power of the dryer to lose one sock per load. A public interest lawyer buried under a mound of student debt, Emma’s whole life has...